Deep Dive into a Journey of Wholeness
Master Plant + Yoga + Meditation + Ceremony
Integration every step of the way
Why Integrate?
This experience is designed for women who want to explore their inner selves, connect with nature and community, and experience the transformative power of movement and plant medicine.
Using somatics, yoga, meditation, breath, and plant medicine, we'll journey into the wisdom of the body with professional guidance & integration. We offer a truly transformative experience that includes a 5-day retreat in Portugal as well as abundant support and preparation prior to and after the retreat.
Few of us have ever been held in deep sisterhood and we welcome you to remove your masks and soften into this feminine container where all parts of you are welcome. This journey invites you to be messy, raw, vulnerable, and completely authentic without judgment or apology. Nothing is too much, and all is welcome.
Allow us to support you while you navigate your own personal transition through discomfort and contraction as well as expansion, joy and pleasure. This journey is a rite of passage for you to grow and evolve within a supportive and safe group of women.
‘Integrate’ will help you bring a deeper level of awareness to your life, and you’ll emerge stronger and more resilient on the other side.
The Offering
Join us in central Portugal from the 15th to the 20th of October as we harness the energy of this land and shifting seasons and experience the power of integration, wholeness, and community.
This moon cycle, marking the transition into the vibrant month of October 2023, is centered around the theme of emotional revelations. It presents an opportunity to release what has been gradually accumulating within you. Moon cycles, like nature, are emblematic of continual transformation and growth. Even though they can bring challenges, they also provide perfect moments to embark on a deep journeys.
October is a period of extraordinary beauty in central Portugal, where the lingering echoes of summer blend with the initial whispers of autumn's grandeur. The forest bursts into a palette of rich hues, with leaves commencing their annual transformation, echoing nature's own rhythm of releasing and renewing.
In this retreat, there's no hurry or bustle. We encourage you to take a respite from the frenetic pace of everyday life, to surrender into deep rest and immerse yourself in the transformative shifts of nature. As autumn encourages the world to turn inwards, you too are invited to reflect, release, and embrace new internal growth, just as the forest around you adapts to the changing seasons.
Price ranges from £1,300 to £2,000
Your Journey will include:
Fully supported and immersive Master Plant Journey
with live sound healing
Daily Practice
Meditation and Yoga Everyday
Cacao, Ecstatic Dance and to celebrate the lunar cycle
Fully Supported Integration
3 online facilitated preparation circlesÂ
3 online facilitated integration circles
Preparation and Integration workbook
Full Board
3 vegetarian meals a day
Guided Activities
Including Breathwork, Forest Walks and Sharing Circles
Individual Wellness Sessions
1-1 EFT session with Lenna during the retreatÂ
1-1 Reiki Session with Nadine during the retreat
​The Journey cost does not include:
Flight Tickets Airport transfers
Ground Transportation
Other Wellness Treatments (massage/acupuncture)
Additional 1-1 sessions with your facilitators
You won’t arrive as strangers
This container is a consciously crafted energetic space where deep transformation can take place. ‘Integrate’ offers an opportunity to be part of a community where you’ll feel held and supported from the moment you sign up. We’ll be holding 3 circles in the weeks leading up to the retreat where you can connect as a group, learn some preparatory practices, and get to know your facilitators. Your transformation will continue long after the ceremony ends, and we’ll carry on supporting you and connecting back to the powerful group energy with 3 post-journey integration circles.
Programme Elements
Yoga + Movement
Yoga and mindful movement are powerful in preparing the body for transformative experiences. Morning practice will be aimed at centering the body through slow and gentle body warming flows, while afternoon practices will be more powerful, with lots of twists, backbends and hip openers. In the right sequence, these movements help liberate the spine and can sometimes help in releasing trapped emotions and energy found within the body. Practice will be inviting and inclusive, and is based in ashtanga and kundalini styles and lineages. A softer, Yin practice will be offered after our ceremony to connect back to the body and integrate our learnings.
The preparation for this journey begins the moment you hear the call, and we take great care in guiding you through the process. The medicine for this journey is locally sourced and grown in the mountains of Central Portugal, so there is already a connection to the land we’ll be on. You’ll make that important first contact by communing and meditating with your medicine in the days leading up to the journey. This particular teacher has a powerful energy with a short ‘lift off’ period, allowing you to sink deeply into your experience and become quickly absorbed in your own world. We have created a live sound experience using Gongs, bowls, and drums to take you through the peak of this journey and guide you into a gentle landing. The vibration and sound will amplify the power of the medicine and allow you to experience a unique and energetically powerful voyage. We will be there throughout your journey holding the space for you and making sure your needs are taken care of.
Ceremony is a big part of what we do, as we believe that creating space for ceremony is an essential part of creating magic and connecting with our awareness in the here and now. Ceremony allows us to celebrate and create something special. Apart from our main Journey, Ceremony will take place multiple times throughout the week, from full moon, to dance, to cacao…to celebrating our transformations and the voyage that brought us here.
Breathwork + Meditaion
Breath is essential in connecting to the body and is a powerful tool to use throughout your journey as it allows you to ground and to regulate your nervous system. Different breathwork techniques will be integrated into our movement and meditation practices so that you have the time to try them out prior to your journey and also have a chance to integrate into your toolbox.  Some meditation practices will be silent while other meditation sessions will be guided and more active depending on the energy of the group and on the day.
The Support
Integration. Every Step of the Way.
We understand how powerful a journey like this can be which is why we focus heavily on integration. The journey starts the moment you hear the call, and you will have abundant support before, during and after the retreat.
Plant medicines are wise teachers, and their lessons can be amplified by preparing the psyche and body for what’s to come. We have created a comprehensive workbook that offers you tools, practices, and reflection exercises to guide and support you as you prepare for your ceremony. You can start by taking a look at the following articles.
The Facilitators
Hearing the Call?
We select our participants very carefully to ensure that we create a balanced and harmonious group energy. In order for us to get to know you better and see if this is the right fit for you, please take the time to fill out the application form which will open in a different tab in your browser.
Our selection process goes as follows:
​Step 1: Fill out the Application Form
Step 2: Schedule a Discovery Call
Step 3: Upon successful screening, receive a selection email
Step 4: Complete Payment